Welcome to the Observatory of Épendes

Booking mandatory

For logistical reasons, we request that visitors book their visit in the week before the event. The number of visitors is limited to 30 and to a maximum of 5 persons (including children) per booking. Events without bookings will not take place.

  • Next nightly observation: friday night 14 Feb 2025. There is no more seat available.
    You can register on the waiting list (Reservations already on the waiting list: 29).
  • Next observation of the Sun: sunday morning 2 Mar 2025, 10 to 12 am. There is no more seat available.
    You can register on the waiting list (Reservations already on the waiting list: 4).

The registered visitors are expected to be there at the start of the visit; the Observatory doors will be closed once the visit has begun

The observatory in Épendes serves the purpose of popularization of astronomy. It is open every Friday evening free to the public in all weathers, as well as every first Sunday morning of each month weather permitting for observing the Sun. Registration is mandatory.
Opening hours

Every friday, in all weathers,

  • 19.00–21.00 (November to March),
  • 21.00–23.00 (April and September-October),
  • 22.00–24.00 (May to August).

First Sunday of the month, 10.00 – 12.00, only in fine weather, for observing the sun.

Booking for school and group visits.

Getting here
Mini plan

Observatory of Épendes
Route du Petit-Épendes 45
CH–1731 Épendes (FR)

Support us

We would welcome your support, either by donating via Twint or to IBAN CH53 0076 8300 1688 1490 2 or by joining the Association of Friends of the Observatory of Épendes.


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If you'd like to get actively involved (as a presenter, for maintenance tasks or as a collaborator in special activities), feel free to contact us.